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A fun card game that unleashes the observation power in your child at its core. Do you see me? aims at improving your child’s knowledge about Animals, Modes of transport, Fruits and Vegetables, all packed in a fun competitive game that also develops response speed and cognitive skills. The game consists of over 60+ cards which increases the playability and learning. It truly is the best mix of learning and fun!

The power of observation improves the ability of our children to make note of and understand their surroundings better, and develop response.  As the game progresses your child involves themselves into a world of animals, modes of transport & fruits and Vegetables and starts to observe more and more details to tell the odd one out quicker than their competitor.

The ability to grasp the details of the animals is improved through the power of focus and they develop a faster response over time which unleashes the power of speed.

To play:
On go, the top-most card from the draw pile is flipped to face-up. Each player must be the fastest at spotting the odd one out based on

  • Animals – that live on land,water or air
  • Modes of transport – Land , water or air
  • Fruits or vegetables

Anyone to spot the “odd one out” can either point or name it out loud. The first player to point or name wins that card and takes the card from the draw pile and places it in front or on top of the already won cards. After winning this card, a new card from the draw pile is revealed. The game continues until all the cards from the draw pile have been drawn.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs


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We, through our games, intend to be a tool in creating a generation that makes this world a better
place. This game has the power of responsible living at its core. Every game aims at developing
qualities in your children that make them conscious human beings. Through Green Day we
discourage single use plastic in young minds. Through the process of this board game, we teach
them simple steps they can take to avoid using plastic in their daily activities. This helps them be
more conscious consumers in the future, setting foundations at an early age.

The power of responsible living makes our little ones more conscious and responsible individuals
of the world we are living in. The game teaches your children to implement these activities in their
everyday life. They are more aware of their consumption and develop these small solutions to make
big changes in the future.
Being a board game which requires planning your move in advance while picking the right
resources, our children unleash the power of strategy . They are made conscious of their choices
because making the wrong choice of resources can lose them the game, here the power of
consciousness is unleashed.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs


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A board game unleashing your power of reading time. It is very important for kids to be able to tell
the time since it is the first step towards setting and following routines. The game starts with simple
hours and moves up to the military 24 hour clock, ensuring that your child knows how to tell the
time in any format. This game also improves speed since it is based on how fast you can place the
hands of the clock on the right numbers. Being able to tell the time improves a sense of discipline in
children and helps them in planning their activities, which also is a crucial quality that is enhanced
through this game.

The power of time telling helps our children to enhance cognitive skills as well as mathematical
skills. This also induces planning in young minds.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs


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The value of positive reinforcement when discussing modifying behaviors of young children is a
topic of prime importance. Positive reinforcement is a type of behavior management that focuses on
rewarding what is done well by our children. It differs from positive punishment in which you focus
less on reprimanding children for misbehavior and more on rewarding good behavior and

At Yuka, we focus on gamification reinforcement. Gamification reinforcers include learning
through games and moving up the level or winning over your competitors. These reinforcers are not
tangible, but they allow our children time for more enjoyable activities as a reward for their
diligence in learning. We also include material reinforcers, that are tangible prizes that are housed
in every game we create.

One thing we need to always remember is that positive reinforcement is contingent upon the desired
behavior and is supposed to highlight what is done well. It also needs to ensure repeat of behavious
even if the reward is not provided in the future. Positive reinforcement works well in developing
habits and behaviour patterns over time. Another thing to consider is, value as you create a
reinforcement system. The more valuable (expensive) the reward, the more time and energy that
must be spent in earning the reward. That’s why we created the levels, Victor, Champion and Super
Champ. These are collective rewards your child can gain if they consistently gain the smaller
rewards from each game.

All of the “rewards” increase the chance that not only children but also adults will continue to
choose the positive behaviors. That is positive reinforcement in a nutshell.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs


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Gamification of learning is an educational approach to motivate our children to learn by using video game design and game elements in learning environments. The goal is to maximize enjoyment and engagement through capturing the interest of learners and inspiring them to continue learning. Gamification, broadly defined, is the process of defining the elements which comprise games that make those games fun and motivate players to continue playing, and using those same elements in a non-game context to influence behaviour. In other words, gamification is the introduction of game elements in a non-game situation.

Through our games, we intend to make our children learn more everyday. In each game, there are skills that we call “powers” that are gamified for development. While playing, cognitively these
powers are unleashed or skills are developed while the children have fun. Our broad games have rewards and levels for positive reinforcement of the learning in real life.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs