today a reader, tomorrow a leader


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We, through our games, intend to be a tool in creating a generation that makes this world a better
place. This game has the power of responsible living at its core. Every game aims at developing
qualities in your children that make them conscious human beings. Through Green Day we
discourage single use plastic in young minds. Through the process of this board game, we teach
them simple steps they can take to avoid using plastic in their daily activities. This helps them be
more conscious consumers in the future, setting foundations at an early age.

The power of responsible living makes our little ones more conscious and responsible individuals
of the world we are living in. The game teaches your children to implement these activities in their
everyday life. They are more aware of their consumption and develop these small solutions to make
big changes in the future.
Being a board game which requires planning your move in advance while picking the right
resources, our children unleash the power of strategy . They are made conscious of their choices
because making the wrong choice of resources can lose them the game, here the power of
consciousness is unleashed.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs